"I am willing to make sizeable changes to explore possibilities."
My mind has returned to the subject of "vocation" at least for the time being. I do not work right now, in the conventional way the word work is used. I do not do labor for money. I do volunteer and pour lots of my energy into art and writing. Occasionally vocation comes into my mind and I consider for a while that maybe life would be just as good if I did try again to work in the traditional sense.
My time is very valuable to me, and I am not about to use my time to work most jobs, because I would rather be very poor than have to sacrifice my time from doing what I love. This year I was employed part time for a while as an aid and I loved doing that, though it had its own challenges, and I was not constantly happy with it, I still was very glad I did it.
Yesterday I applied for a job. I am not sure what will happen with that. Will they call me in for an interview and I decide not to go? Maybe. This has happened before. But it is another line of work where I imagine I might be pretty happy. So it almost would be worth it.
"I persevere and keep trying more than most."
I have tried so many possible vocations. I have learned the lesson that I only am willing to do what I really would love with my free time.
Life is a process sometimes of trial and error. I am not certain what will happen but I am not afraid.
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